Sunday, October 24, 2010

David Wolfe seminar i.e. best ever

my signed copy of Eating for Beauty by David Wolfe
It's hard to know where to start. I can't possibly recount all the enlightening tidbits that David Wolfe passed on (you may just have to experience him for yourself), or describe all of the wonderful connections I made with Parisian, European, and even Connecticutian raw foodies and raw enthusiasts alike at the seminar in Paris this weekend.  But I can describe how I felt...recharged, re-inspired and rawmazing, to say the least.

I look forward to implementing the lessons I learned...spending more time in physical contact with the earth ("grounding"), searching for spring water in the Alps, and integrating more wild edibles, superfoods and superherbs into my diet...and all this knowing that I have even more raw company to do it with :).

Some raw food sourcing advice: If you are in Europe, Katarina De Vos's website Health XL distributes many of David Wolfe's products.  Also, there's a woman in Paris who started an online boutique with yummy raw dehydrated treats, "Manger vivant et végétal" (I tried her crackers, they were delish). Finally, I learned about Orkos, which sells high quality raw nut and fruit products (even really raw cashews) and also ships to France.

If you want to read more about the seminar, check out Arletty's blog post.  She really captured the essence of the event.


  1. tu as vraiment une belle chance d'avoir pu passer ce week end en cette compagnie et ainsi te ressourcer

  2. I miss you !!!
    I loved the rawo chocolate your offered me, thanks a lot. Let's try more raw food when you'll come :)
    I never tested Avocado but it never attracted me..

    You really reat only raw food? Because I'd have loved to make you discover the macaroons of Ladurée, and the famous macaroon of Pierre Hermé ;) It's so delicious, and it's typically "parisian"

  3. Mr Wolfe sounds like an interesting fellow. Glad you got the opportunity to meet him.

    You too can be an international RAW personality people wait in line to see! In fact, you are WAY more pleasing to the eye... ;)

  4. Oli: This weekend you are eating avocado, period! It's true I really only eat raw food but I'm sure we can discover many non-food Parisian monuments :). Love you!!!

    beanpatch: You're TOO kind.


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